Toni Braxton - Spanish Guitar
Whitney Houston

This song for you my love
Comot in da house...
hehehe...layan ja lah gambar2 si Comot neee...ndak larat mo buat caption

The healing finger 2
Salam an hi y'all (^_^)

hehehe finally (^_^)
The day we say I do.....
Beauty is in the eye of beholder....
What for sungkai?
Salam (^_^)

Hari ini me ambik kesempatan untuk berpuasa sunat....wink wink. Nothing fancy just KFC itu pun macam ndak habis dimakan.

Seketul ni ja yang dapat dihabiskan, a bit spicy lah (macam dalam iklan baru KFC) least yang ini dihabiskan hehehe my coleslaw, penting tau veggies.
Site Visit 4
Salam and hi y'all

Yeah...another site visit (macam ndak pandai habis kan...) last week. Nothing much still same old story and bought more tiles (bila lah mo habis nee).

ndak tau kemana sudah perginya pekerja2 ku ini

almost done

siap berukir-ukir lagi tu gate...opppsss not mine but my neighbour, ndak mampu mo buat camtu hehehe
Healthy breakfast?
Project Pop - Goyang Duyu (Super HQ Audio/Video)
Fiona Apple :: Across The Universe
Sakura song
HARMONI - Penantian
Afgan: OST. Bukan Cinta Biasa

Afgan – Bukan Cinta Biasa (OST Bukan Cinta Biasa)

Kali ini kusadari

Aku telah jatuh cinta

Dari hatiku terdalam

Sungguh aku cinta padamu

Cintaku bukanlah cinta biasa

Jika kamu yang memiliki

Dan kamu yang temaniku seumur hidupku

Terimalah pengakuanku

Percayalah kepadaku

Semua ini kulakukan

Karena kamu memang untukku

Cinta ku bukan cinta biasa

Jika kamu yang menemani

Dan kamu yang temaniku seumur hidupku

Terimalah pengakuanku

Lirik lagu Afgan – Bukan Cinta Biasa (OST Bukan Cinta Biasa) ini dipersembahkan oleh LirikLaguIndonesia.Net. Kunjungi DownloadLaguIndonesia.Net untuk download MP3 Afgan – Bukan Cinta Biasa (OST Bukan Cinta Biasa).
Agnes Monica - [HQ] Teruskanlah (New Single)

Agnes Monica – Teruskanlah

Pernahkah kau bicara

Tapi tak di dengar

Tak di anggap

Sama sekali

Pernahkan kau tak salah

Tapi disalahkan

Tak di beri


Reff :

Kuhidup dengan siapa

Ku tak tau kau siapa

Kau kekasihku tapi

Orang lain bagiku

Kau dengan dirimu saja

Kau dengan duniamu saja

Teruskan lah.. Teruskan lah

Kau begitu

Kau tak butuh diriku

Aku patung bagimu

Cinta bukan

Kebutuhan mu

Back to reff.

Hoo.. Hooo

Kau dengan dirimu saja

Kau dengan duniamu saja

Teruskan lah.. Teruskan lah

Kau.. kau begitu

Teruskan lah… teruskan lah..

Lirik lagu Agnes Monica – Teruskanlah ini dipersembahkan oleh LirikLaguIndonesia.Net. Kunjungi DownloadLaguIndonesia.Net untuk download MP3 Agnes Monica – Teruskanlah.
Michael Buble - Feeling Good
Atomic Kitten - Eternal flame (TOTP De, 2001, #12)
Another boring day....
Salam and hi y'all (^_^)

doing nothing
just surfing
arrgggh so boring
drinking (water lah hahaha)
another clicking
tick tock tick tock


p/s: no idea bah now....hehehe
The healing finger
....almost hehehe but still feel the pain (^_^)
Celine Dion My Heart Will Go On
Every monday at 8 pm, me and Dr. Annita will be at Mukai sensei's house to learn japanese language from his wife, Yoshie sensei. But tonight was slightly different because I was the sensei hahaha no lah, I'm just showing Yoshie sensei how to make simple nasi lemak.

She likes nasi lemak but mostly the sambal is hot and spicy. So we skipped our lesson tonight and it's cooking time!

To my dear FuiFui...sorry darling, I forgot to take picture during the masak-masak but I'll make another post especially for you together with the complete recipe (I'll promise hehehe).

There were fifth of us, and pictures below were what we have for this small makan-makan time hehehe, me, Dr. Annita, Mukai sensei, Yoshie sensei and Hideo sensei.

Waiting for the rice cook

We have variety of chickens (all from Desa hokey), veggies, sambal, fried anchovies and fruits.

I'm glad they loved the nasi lemak especially Mukai sensei. He even said that we must do this makan-makan time once a month hehehe. Since they not into the hot and spicy except for Hideo sensei, I just made the sambal sweet and sour instead.

I've been thinking of tuhau hahaha...not sure whether they will stand the smell but no lah, probably other simple sabahan dish for next makan-makan time!

ps: Mukai sensei asked me to bring Asuk for the next makan-makan time hahaha.
The 1st cut is the deepest...
Salam and hi y'all (^_^)

I cut my lil finger during lunch time hehehe while opened the black beans salted fish's tin. It was so bloody painful and I almost fainted when I saw so much blood from my lil finger. Luckily, I sat immediately otherwise hehehe bikin malu ja bah.

The cut was deep and I must warned you the pictures below might .... errr ... scary?

It still bleeding when I changed the plaster (sakit bah). Can you see how deep the cut is?

After clean the wound....
Fried Mee
My dinner....hahaha skip diet jap
Site Visit 3
Went for site visit yesterday and today ( two days in a row? hehehe). For now is only installing the tiles for maid's room, kitchen, toilet and front hall.

Kitchen is almost finished and they will start the front hall tomorrow I guess.

The maid's room

The tiles hehehe

Still messy

Messy some more...

Kitchen's floor......wanted to put the kitchen's picture but Asuk said if I put it now, no more surprises hahaha so later peeps

Huh! Bad neighbour...

Last but not least....gambar kaki si Asuk LOL