Day 6 (Game A) - Favorite Super Hero And Why
Salam and hi y'all (^_^)

Hehehe....none other than these girls

The Powerpuff Girls


Because they are cute (^_^), boleh kah diterima alasan ini ahahahhaha....boleh lah bah kan...biarpun keluar tajuk skit ndak pa ikut suka hati penulis ja bah.

Ini lah Blosson
Gambar dari sini

Blossom (voiced by Cathy Cavadini) is "the smart one" and the self-proclaimed "Commander and the Leader" of the Powerpuff Girls. Her personality is "everything nice," her signature color is pink, and she has long red hair with a red bow.[8] She was named for having spoken freely and honestly to the Professor shortly after her creation. She is often seen as the most mature, level-headed, and composed member of the group; although she can at times be fussy, overbearing, petty, and too analytical. She tends to "parent" Bubbles and Buttercup, and often tries to play peacemaker between the two if they fight (though she is very quick to argue with Buttercup). In the episode "Ice Sore," she showed the ability to blow ice. However, even though Blossom said her ice breath was "all used up", she has been seen using it frequently in later episodes.

Sumber Wikipedia

si comel Bubble
Gambar dari sini

Bubbles (voiced by Tara Strong in the series and by Kath Soucie in the What a Cartoon! episodes) is "the cute one," "The Joy and the Laughter." Her personality is "sugar," her signature color is baby blue, and she has short blond hair in two pigtails. She was named for her cute and bubbly personality. She tends to act like the baby of the group, despite being the same age, but sometimes she can get extremly mad. Her best friend is a stuffed octopus doll she calls "Octi". She exhibits the ability to both understand foreign languages (Spanish, Japanese) and communicate with various animals (squirrels, cats, monsters). She will always stand up for (and cuddle with) animals except cockroaches which she (along with her sisters) finds "icky". She displays and is defined by innocence, playfulness, and a gentle demeanor, having a tendency to be naïve, ditsy, submissive, shy, and sensitive. She is also more loving to her father figure, Professor Utonium.

Sumber Wikipedia ganas ja kan
Gambar dari sini

Buttercup (voiced by Elizabeth Daily) is "The Toughest Fighter." Her personality is "spice," her signature color is light green, and she has short black hair in a flip. She was named because "Buttercup" begins with the letter "B" like her sisters, much to her chagrin. She is the boyish one in the group, and she has a very short temper. Sometimes her aggression gets the better of her, making her reckless and stubborn. She possesses a mean and somewhat vindictive streak not shared by her sisters. She has, however shown a softer side in several episodes. For example, in the episode "Cover Up", she had a soft green blanket that she was obsessed with that she would hug that gave her the confidence to be a better fighter, and she is quite protective over her sisters, as shown in "Buttercrush". Buttercup hates baths and loves getting dirty. She is the only Powerpuff Girl without a unique power (aside from curling her tongue).

Sumber Wikipedia

Day 5 (Game A) - A Picture Of Somewhere You've Been To


Since today cam teda mood so teda mood mo pilih gambar yang cantik.

hehehe gambar masa kecik di Kundasang.

Salam and hi y'all....

So expected he forgot my birthday .... he forgot, he forgot, he forgot.  This morning also heart sinked.
Happy Birthday To Me

Picture taken from here is my happy.
Day 4 (Game A) - A Habit That You Wish You Didn't Have
Salam and hi y'all (^_^)

Errrmmm.....kalau boleh dikikis atau dihapuskan sekaligus tu sikap cepat marah @ emosi yang terlampau, memang saya mau. 

Saya memang jenis orang yang mudah teransang emosi seperti marah dan kalau marah tu memang susah mau cover-cover lagi tu ekspresi.  Riak muka memang ketara sangat.  Saya berusaha untuk kawal emosi tapi lama-lama macam jadi satu bebanan pulak.  Memang kena juga lah luahkan tapi bukan lah marah yang terus tengking atau apa, cuma kadang-kadang benda kecik pun boleh trigger tu perasaan marah.

Tidak professional kan begitu. 

Insya Allah saya masih lagi dalam proses untuk mengawal perasaan marah hahahhaha janganlah plak sampai kena ikut ANGER MANAGEMENT hahahahhaha

Day 3 (Game A) - A Picture of You and Your Friends
Salam and hi y'all (^_^)

Cabaran seterusnya adalah memaparkan gambar dengan rakan-rakan. banyak pula gambar yang best-best....camana lah ni?????

Setelah menyelongkar gambar-gambar lama...adeeeh rupanya gambar-gambar yang banyak-banyak itu dalam laptop yang sudah hangkang....adeeeehhhhhh.

L to R:  Mukti, Kim (saya lah tu), Asraf, Rose & Zam

Mereka lah rakan-rakan seperjuangan di opis.  Mukti dan Rose sudah berpindah ke jabatan lain kecuali kami bertiga hehehehehe.

Sekian lah untuk cabaran kali ini.
Day 2 (Game A) - The Meaning Behind Your Blogger Name
Salam and hi y'all (^_^)

Sungguh bersemangat ni hahahhaa.

Ermmmm...ini semua bermula kerana me suka betul tengok si Kimora Lee Simmons (KLS) tu hahhaa.  Masa mau create blog ni, macam-macam lah nama difikirkan tapi memandangkan tahap obsesi yang melampau terhadap KLS maka dengan perasannya me letak lah kimora ditambah dengan dilautbiru sebab lokasi pejabat berdekatan dengan laut hahahhaa.

Begitu lah kejadiannya.
The 30 Days Challenges
Salam and hi again (^_^)

Hehehe now 1747pm, tinggal sorang ja di opis, boring plak sebab dokumen untuk big boss bawak ke bengkel di 1B sudah ready, tinggal ja dia baca dan bawa pigi sana.  

Seperti biasa lah kalau sudah begini mesti mau pi baca-baca blog orang lain...silent reader lah konon sebab kadang-kadang ja bagi komen.  Then tiba-tiba............baca ini post tentang The 30 Days Challenges.  I'm like wahhhhh this is interesting, tapi ada dua cara permainannya, dua-dua pun saya suka.....last-last mau buat dua-dua lah hahahahaha dasar tamaha' (tamak) kan.  Kalau gitu saya start dari cara permainan yang dimainkan oleh pemilik blog ini then baru continue dengan permainan dari pemilik blog ini ....hahahaha harap2 dapat buat lah...

Baiklah...kita mulakan dari sekarang....

Day 1 (Game A) - A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself.

Hahaha cam teda gambar yang sesuai kecuali yang ini (sebab gambar ini saja lah yang comel ekeke).

1. The eldest of 3 siblings.

2. The only daughter in the family hehehe.

3.  Owh owh owh....I'm so into baking now.

4.  Seafood lover walaupun alergik kepada seafood, hantam saja lah labu yang penting ada ubatnya dong!

5.  Addicted to korean dan japanese dramas/movies.

6.  I can speak japanese too! (^_^) Hajimemashite....watashi wa Kim desu. 

7.  Hanya boleh memandu kereta automatik sahaja sebab phobia naik bukit kalau drive manual hahahhaa.

8.  Hahahaha ratu airmata pun iya ni sebab tahap emosi dan sensitiviti yang sangat tinggi.

9.  Sangat dedicated kalau buat kerja.

10.  Cat lover.

11.  Biarpun sudah dewasa ni, tetap jugalah tu sikap mo main game ada, tidak kira lah computer games, online games, ps games, psp etc....sampai me and my best buddy gelar tabiat ni sebagai parkinson kwang kwang kwang.

12.  Suka tengok movie seram tapi tetap juga lah mo tutup mata kalau time suspen sudah hahaha bikin malu kan.

13.  I love books too.....argh rindunya mo baca 3 bulan sudah tidak baca buku ni hahhaaha buku love story lah...

14.  I love kids especially babies....

15.  Paling suka kalau weekend hehehhee boleh bangun lambat...

Sekian lah buat kali ini hahahaha teda pun yang interesting..biasa-biasa saja bah.
Cakes and cuppies
Salam and hi y'all (^_^)

Alhamdulillah....minggu ini ada kawan-kawan tempah kek dan cuppies.  Masih dalam proses pembelajaran menghias kek hehehe biasalah clueless kan.  Nah .. ini lah my humble cakes and cuppies......

Chocolate Mud Cake

Mula-mula ingatkan tuan empunya kek ini boy tapi rupa-rupanya girl so tukar jalan cerita lah hehehe.  Thingking hard ni mau buat apa sebab tu pokok sudah diletak awal-awal, then TINGGGGGGGGGGGGG teringat sahabat-sahabat kita di Jepun yang ditimpa musibah dan terus menerus juga teringat betapa indahnya bunga sakura yang sedang blooming sekarang ini.  Walaupun lari sikit konsep pokok itu, saya tetap berpuashati dan this cake is tribute to those @ Japan, be strong.

Fail betul tulisan ni tauuuu....sila berusaha dengan lebih tekun lagi.

Cheese Cake

Happy 1st birthday.  Idea buat hiasan ini pun sebenarnya tidak berapa kesampaian sebab masih lagi teragak-agak.  Hehehe ndak apa lah, masih boleh diperbaiki.

Chocolate cuppies

Vanilla cuppies

Till then....
Baking again...chocolate cupcakes
Salam and hi y'all....

Another bunch of cuppies today (^_^)

Life without cupcakes is like a tree without blossoms or fruit.
- Kahlil Gibran-

p/s: Cuppies for afternoon tea. Freshly bake (^_^)
Salam and hi y'all (^_^)

Last few weeks....I attended 1 day cake baking and decoration conducted by Deana.  Now I'm so into the baking hahahaha biasa lah orang yang baru mau berkecimpung ni.

3 of us were taught all the do's and don'ts plus tips in cake baking.  So happy lor.....nah sila lah menjamu mata dengan kek yang telah disediakan hehehehe....errr sila abaikan kek punya decoration yang tidak seberapa ini.

cheese cake....sedap betul ini kek, memang pure cheese ya teda tepung-tepung ni

chocolate mud cake....arghhh another super yummy cake (ayat ini sungguh lah over, puji diri sendiri)

the classic butter cake...sedap ni untuk hidangan minum petang hehehehe

Anyways...Anje was my 1st customer ... funny juga bila ingat balik.  Me being so minta puji posting all the pictures of cakes that taken during class with Deana, happily replied on friend's comment at Facebook hahahha...ada yang mau order lah itu lah ini lah, then Anje bilang mau hari ahad tu kek .. nah ini kali lah kan...matai but I took the challenge sebab basic sudah ada kan...then jadi lah ini cake walaupun deconya agak ....... errrr how should I put it ya????? Very the beginner punya hehehe well what do you expect from beginner yang clueless tentang menghias kek ni...malu juga tengok balik but itu lah hasil dekorasi sendiri, tidak apa lah kan boleh improve lagi...

See...I've told you....

Then 2nd cake also requested by Anje but forgot to take picture...kelam kabut skit. I've made cheese cake for her son 6th Birthday and the important thing is they love the cake! I must say I was over the top hahhaa sungguh over kan, biasalah mau tau jugak apa customer punya komen hehhee...syukur alhamdulillah..

Bah ... that's all for now hehehe
Pink Cupcakes
Salam and hi y'all (^_^)

Since I started baking hehehe almost every weekend ada saja baking project.  Kalau tidak attend class baking @ deco, mesti ada saja yang mau dibaking kan least release jugak tension kerja 5 hari tu....

Last week my friend Nurul ordered 25pcs chocolate cupcakes with Pink in theme.  To bake the cuppies is easy but to decorate it....quite difficult for me as this is my 1st order hehhee...need to improve but for simple deco should be okay.

Gambar-gambar di bawah ni lah hasilnya hehehe....ok kah?

Happy Birthday Ardeena