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Salam (^_^)
Haven't started a n y t h i n g y e t (stressing the bold letters hahaha)....I guessed everyone is enjoying their Eid's preparation, ada yang awal ada yang sedang berperang sekarang ni dan ada yang last minute hehhehe.
Not that I'm not that excited but yeah....thinking of the age (tua sudah bah) and probably the convocation ceremony on October has stole my excitement hahahahahaha....ya bah I'm so looking forward for my convocation this October, after four years....four years without weekends, sound pathetic kan and the excitement for Eid throughout the four years....not excited at all mengenangkan all the assignments hahahaha but but but this Eid...I balas dendam you...cuti dua minggu ya Y(^_^)Y....
My mom asked me this morning, " sudah kau bili biskut raya"
Me the Tukang Beli Biskut Raya pun menjawab lah, "belum lagi tau, kenapa?"
The mummy,"ndak payah lah ko bili di KK, beli ja di kampung".
Me the Tukang Beli Biskut Raya," aaaa???? Bah." I was confused, adakah si mummy sudah membooking biskut dengan opismatenya? Matilah membayar ni kali kalau banyak. Well... you see this Eid actually I'm planning to bake some cookies and also cake, untuk menjimatkan belanja lah kononnya (padahal mo savings untuk konvo ni). It's been soooooooooo long long long time ago I haven't bake any cookies....with the new oven (che che che minta puji lah), I am so rajin dan berkobar-kobar hahahaha....ala buat 2-4 biskut pun ok sudah tu, ndak payah banyak-banyak sebab paling-paling pun tu pokok rambutan di belakang rumah si mummy juga jadi pujaan ramai hahahaha.
Alah....buat biskut yang senang-senang ja seperti kuih siput (ini my peberet), biskut suji, biskut cornflakes dan lain-lain...ndak menyesakkan fikiran...tapi mau juga menyinggah ni di Pasar Besar untuk cuci mata.
Since my brother and the company tidak balik Sarawak, so memang ada lah juga tu biskut raya dorang bawa dan may be juga ada kek lapis sarawak tu kena kirim dari my SIL' family. Usually bila buat open house pun, kami tidak lah masak yang power-power, lebih kepada ikan bakar, sambal belacan, sayur rebus, ulam dan lain-lain, sebab kemuakkan daging rendang dan sebagainya.
Okay, itu ja lah....till then...

Home Sweet Home,
It's Cooking Time,
Local Delicacies,
Makan Time,
Special Occasion

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