Fried Mee
My dinner....hahaha skip diet jap


Hi Kimora, you have a very nice callsign, "Kimora".
Gosh, that fried noodles look real delicious too.
You have fun and keep a song in your heart.
Best regards, Lee.

Tq Uncle Lee...ya the name Kimora itself has been given by my dear friend hehehe because of I'm taking japanese class and...I'm big fan of Kimora Lee Simmons.

Yup...indeed delicious hehehe

yummyy... izin follow en salam kenal iia :)

selalunya dinner makan apa?


Ixora: selalunya malam tak ambik yg heavy hehehe tp teringin nak makan yang ini pula

tiapa ba skip2 diet... bukan selalu hehehe

Wendi: hehehe mcm selalu sdh pulak tau