Mole Removal
Salam and hi y'all....

Yesterday I was on leave. Luckily my boss is not around hehehe as I mentioned crazily in my FB hahaha.

Hehehe....I decided to do the mole removal as it grow bigger and bigger everyday....gila ka mo ada mole besar dekat mata...hilang lah keayuan ku LOL.

It took only 15 minutes and cost me only RM15 but the process aiyoooo bit painful lah (macam tu luka kena minyak kapak). As you can see my picture below (please ignore the messy skin ya hehehe), the mole turned white...macam snow white seketul atas muka kakaka...the medicine sticked like glue...macam bidak pulak tiba2 ada warna putih salju.

Now I'm waiting for what will happen next hehehee...

Macam muka baru bangun tidur LOL


laaa... patut la kak siti teda kemarin... eh, blh buka ka tuh. jadi my mole ni, blh la kan... dua lagi tuh... heheheee

Rahma: Iya buli tapi sakit sikit lah hehehe

mole mane ni??? Kat mata tu kah??? :-D

Itu benda putih indak glow in the dark ka? :-P

Cath: ya dekat mata tu...kaler putih

Gallivanter: bukan dia glowing tu kakaka uba tu mimang putih melepak, mcm glue bah

haha . i oso wanna do moles removal . :DDDD